Dr Renée Bleau, C.Psychol.

 I’m an Independent Organisational Consultant – a Chartered Psychologist – and I am passionately interested in helping things go well for people, especially in the context of being at work.

Do you need an Organisational Consultant?

How do you know when you need an Organisational Consultant?

Well, sometimes it is when things don’t seem to be going as well as they could be in the workplace. And sometimes it is when there are new opportunities and challenges and a consultant is needed to facilitate change and help implement new practices.

  • Mentoring and Coaching
  • Selection and Recruitment
  • ​Creative Thinking 
  • ​Organisational Change Facilitation
  • Training and Development
  • Leadership

Email me

Please email me with your enquiry. I can work with individuals, teams or whole organisations. I will be pleased to hear from you.